Every therapist should be an outlaw.
Your body is an exquisite tuning fork. A barometer of truth.
But in a society that targets certain bodies—that innate wisdom is often silenced and ignored.
The status quo tells us we can’t trust our bodies. That we’re not “normal” – yet maybe we don’t want to fall in line with norms we didn’t choose.

We learn to believe things like:
“I can’t be trusted around food.”
“I can't trust my body.”
But if a thing can be learned,
it can be unlearned.

Professionally I am/have been:
- a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with an MA in Transpersonal Counseling from Naropa University
- a certified Hakomi mindfulness-based somatic therapist
- Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)
- a certified MNDFL instructor
- a binge eating disorder specialist
- founder of the Boulder Youth Body Alliance (BYBA), a non profit dedicated to youth activism & eating disorder prevention
- voted the “Most Inspiring Individual” in Boulder County, 2012
- a recipient of the 2013 Excellence in Advocacy Award from the Eating Disorders Coalition in D.C.
For most of my career, I’ve worked at the intersection of eating disorders and weight stigma. Of love and resistance.
I’ve also worked as a massage therapist, in a reproductive health clinic, a suicide prevention hotline, a domestic violence shelter, and an HIV clinic.
So really—I love to be an advocate. To work alongside someone as they reclaim their body. And I am a commitment to working towards a world where you have access to belonging and dignity.

Things to know About Me
I do my own work. I’m committed to unearthing my biases, and continually look at ways that I uphold oppressive systems. I don’t always get it right, I know I don’t have all the answers, and I pay close attention to feedback.
I like to critique (I can’t help it, I’m a triple Virgo). I like to ask disruptive questions. I like to inspire critical consciousness in service of us all having more room to breathe.
I’m often found on the edges. I long to push the fields of eating disorder treatment, and psychotherapy, out of the box.
I dream of nuance. I know there is a space to occupy between: good/bad, right/wrong, comply/rebel, recovered/recovering, and all those other binary ways of thinking—and I yearn for a world where people are free to live in middle spaces.
My superpower is noticing. I pay exquisite attention to power dynamics, to the body’s signals, and to what’s wanting to surface. I’m not shy around the hard/challenging conversations.
I love cupcakes. They’re the best.